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Lon Schneider, MD
Thu, Oct 17, 2024

Core Lead

Lon Schneider is internationally recognized in clinical drug development for Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive disorders, neuropsychiatric, and behavioral disorders, has led numerous clinical trials for AD and MCI therapeutics, consults with numerous development programs, participated in the design and operations of several early and later phase proprietary development programs for AD, directed multicenter trials in AD and major depression, including the paradigm shifting CATIE-AD trial. More recently, he examined evidence for secular changes in AD trials characteristics and outcomes, and is conducting work using trials simulations from large metadatabases to assess the effects of Alzheimer’s-related biomarkers and genotypes on the efficiency of targeted clinical trials in order to improve trials methods. He serves on the steering committees of the NIH ADCS, the NIH ADNI, and the Banner Alzheimer’s Prevention Initiative.

CHP-216 1540 Alcazar Street, Health Sciences Campus, Los Angeles CA 90089-9009

(323) 442-7600

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