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Wed, Sep 25, 2024

DHA Delivery to Brain Pilot Study (DHA2BRP)

The DHA2BRP study aims to investigate the relationship between DHA intake and cognitive function, particularly in individuals with the APOE e4 gene variant. While observational studies suggest a link between DHA and cognitive health, randomized control trials show conflicting results. Preliminary data suggest that APOE e4 carriers may have lower DHA levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) compared to non-carriers. The study hypothesizes that APOE e4 carriers have impaired delivery of DHA to the CSF following supplementation. To test this, researchers will measure DHA in red blood cell membranes and CSF, including apoE particles, in a pilot group of 16 APOE e4 carriers and 16 non-carriers at baseline and after 24 weeks of supplementation.

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