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494 Total Publications
Year Title Authors Journal/Publication
2021 Body mass index, time of day and genetics affect perivascular spaces in the white matter. Barisano, Giuseppe; Sheikh-Bahaei, Nasim; Law, Meng; Toga, Arthur W; Sepehrband, Farshid Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism : official journal of the International Society of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
2021 Perivascular Space Imaging at Ultrahigh Field MR Imaging. Barisano, Giuseppe; Law, Meng; Custer, Rachel M; Toga, Arthur W; Sepehrband, Farshid Magnetic resonance imaging clinics of North America
2021 Novel Alzheimer Disease Risk Loci and Pathways in African American Individuals Using the African Genome Resources Panel: A Meta-analysis. Kunkle, Brian W; Schmidt, Michael; Klein, Hans-Ulrich; Naj, Adam C; Hamilton-Nelson, Kara L; Larson, Eric B; Evans, Denis A; De Jager, Phil L; Crane, Paul K; Buxbaum, Joe D; Ertekin-Taner, Nilufer; Barnes, Lisa L; Fallin, M Daniele; Manly, Jennifer J; Go, Rodney C P; Obisesan, Thomas O; Kamboh, M Ilyas; Bennett, David A; Hall, Kathleen S; Goate, Alison M; Foroud, Tatiana M; Martin, Eden R; Wang, Li-Sao; Byrd, Goldie S; Farrer, Lindsay A; Haines, Jonathan L; Schellenberg, Gerard D; Mayeux, Richard; Pericak-Vance, Margaret A; Reitz, Christiane; Writing Group for the Alzheimer’s Disease Genetics Consortium (ADGC); Graff-Radford, Neill R; Martinez, Izri; Ayodele, Temitope; Logue, Mark W; Cantwell, Laura B; Jean-Francois, Melissa; Kuzma, Amanda B; Adams, L D; Vance, Jeffery M; Cuccaro, Michael L; Chung, Jaeyoon; Mez, Jesse; Lunetta, Kathryn L; Jun, Gyungah R; Lopez, Oscar L; Hendrie, Hugh C; Reiman, Eric M; Kowall, Neil W; Leverenz, James B; Small, Scott A; Levey, Allan I; Golde, Todd E; Saykin, Andrew J; Starks, Takiyah D; Albert, Marilyn S; Hyman, Bradley T; Petersen, Ronald C; Sano, Mary; Wisniewski, Thomas; Vassar, Robert; Kaye, Jeffrey A; Henderson, Victor W; DeCarli, Charles; LaFerla, Frank M; Brewer, James B; Miller, Bruce L; Swerdlow, Russell H; Van Eldik, Linda J; Paulson, Henry L; Trojanowski, John Q; Chui, Helena C; Rosenberg, Roger N; Craft, Suzanne; Grabowski, Thomas J; Asthana, Sanjay; Morris, John C; Strittmatter, Stephen M; Kukull, Walter A JAMA neurology
2021 The Health & Aging Brain among Latino Elders (HABLE) study methods and participant characteristics. O'Bryant, Sid E; Johnson, Leigh A; Barber, Robert C; Braskie, Meredith N; Christian, Bradley; Hall, James R; Hazra, Nalini; King, Kevin; Kothapalli, Deydeep; Large, Stephanie; Mason, David; Matsiyevskiy, Elizabeth; McColl, Roderick; Nandy, Rajesh; Palmer, Raymond; Petersen, Melissa; Philips, Nicole; Rissman, Robert A; Shi, Yonggang; Toga, Arthur W; Vintimilla, Raul; Vig, Rocky; Zhang, Fan; Yaffe, Kristine; HABLE Study Team Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2020 Female vulnerability to the effects of smoking on health outcomes in older people. Haghani, Amin; Arpawong, Thalida Em; Kim, Jung Ki; Lewinger, Juan Pablo; Finch, Caleb E; Crimmins, Eileen PloS one
2020 Air pollution exposure and adverse sleep health across the life course: A systematic review. Liu, Jianghong; Wu, Tina; Liu, Qisijing; Wu, Shaowei; Chen, Jiu-Chiuan Environmental pollution (Barking, Essex : 1987)
2020 Retrospective analysis of phytoSERM for management of menopause-associated vasomotor symptoms and cognitive decline: a pilot study on pharmacogenomic effects of mitochondrial haplogroup and APOE genotype on therapeutic efficacy. Wang, Yiwei; Hernandez, Gerson; Mack, Wendy J; Schneider, Lon S; Yin, Fei; Brinton, Roberta D Menopause (New York, N.Y.)
2020 Metabolomic profiles associated with all-cause mortality in the Women's Health Initiative. Balasubramanian, Raji; Paynter, Nina P; Giulianini, Franco; Manson, JoAnn E; Zhao, Yibai; Chen, Jiu-Chiuan; Vitolins, Mara Z; Albert, Christine A; Clish, Clary; Rexrode, Kathryn M International journal of epidemiology
2020 Progression of Alzheimer's Disease by Self-Reported Cancer History in the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Fowler, Mackenzie E; Triebel, Kristen L; Cutter, Gary R; Schneider, Lon S; Kennedy, Richard E; Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD
2020 Brain delivery of supplemental docosahexaenoic acid (DHA): A randomized placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arellanes, Isabella C; Choe, Nicholas; Solomon, Victoria; He, Xulei; Kavin, Brian; Martinez, Ashley E; Kono, Naoko; Buennagel, David P; Hazra, Nalini; Kim, Giselle; D'Orazio, Lina M; McCleary, Carol; Sagare, Abhay; Zlokovic, Berislav V; Hodis, Howard N; Mack, Wendy J; Chui, Helena C; Harrington, Michael G; Braskie, Meredith N; Schneider, Lon S; Yassine, Hussein N EBioMedicine
2020 Quality of life and caregiver burden in familial frontotemporal lobar degeneration: Analyses of symptomatic and asymptomatic individuals within the LEFFTDS cohort. Gentry, Melanie T; Lapid, Maria I; Syrjanen, Jeremy; Calvert, Kendrick; Hughes, Samantha; Brushaber, Danielle; Kremers, Walter; Bove, Jessica; Brannelly, Patrick; Coppola, Giovanni; Dheel, Christina; Dickerson, Bradley; Dickinson, Susan; Faber, Kelley; Fields, Julie; Fong, Jamie; Foroud, Tatiana; Forsberg, Leah; Gavrilova, Ralitza; Gearhart, Deb; Ghoshal, Nupur; Goldman, Jill; Graff-Radford, Jonathan; Graff-Radford, Neill; Grossman, Murray; Haley, Dana; Heuer, Hilary; Hsiung, Ging-Yuek; Huey, Edward; Irwin, David; Jones, David; Jones, Lynne; Kantarci, Kejal; Karydas, Anna; Knopman, David; Kornak, John; Kramer, Joel; Kukull, Walter; Lucente, Diane; Lungu, Codrin; Mackenzie, Ian; Manoochehri, Masood; McGinnis, Scott; Miller, Bruce; Pearlman, Rodney; Petrucelli, Len; Potter, Madeline; Rademakers, Rosa; Ramos, Eliana Marisa; Rankin, Katherine; Rascovsky, Katya; Sengdy, Pheth; Shaw, Leslie; Tatton, Nadine; Taylor, Joanne; Toga, Arthur; Trojanowski, John; Weintraub, Sandra; Wong, Bonnie; Wszolek, Zbigniew; Boeve, Bradley F; Boxer, Adam; Rosen, Howard; LEFFTDS Consortium Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association
2020 Identification of early pericyte loss and vascular amyloidosis in Alzheimer's disease retina. Shi, Haoshen; Koronyo, Yosef; Rentsendorj, Altan; Regis, Giovanna C; Sheyn, Julia; Fuchs, Dieu-Trang; Kramerov, Andrei A; Ljubimov, Alexander V; Dumitrascu, Oana M; Rodriguez, Anthony R; Barron, Ernesto; Hinton, David R; Black, Keith L; Miller, Carol A; Mirzaei, Nazanin; Koronyo-Hamaoui, Maya Acta neuropathologica
2020 Interaction effect of alcohol consumption and Alzheimer disease polygenic risk score on the brain cortical thickness of cognitively normal subjects. Matloff, William J; Zhao, Lu; Ning, Kaida; Conti, David V; Toga, Arthur W Alcohol (Fayetteville, N.Y.)
2020 Particulate matter and episodic memory decline mediated by early neuroanatomic biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease. Younan, Diana; Petkus, Andrew J; Widaman, Keith F; Wang, Xinhui; Casanova, Ramon; Espeland, Mark A; Gatz, Margaret; Henderson, Victor W; Manson, JoAnn E; Rapp, Stephen R; Sachs, Bonnie C; Serre, Marc L; Gaussoin, Sarah A; Barnard, Ryan; Saldana, Santiago; Vizuete, William; Beavers, Daniel P; Salinas, Joel A; Chui, Helena C; Resnick, Susan M; Shumaker, Sally A; Chen, Jiu-Chiuan Brain : a journal of neurology
2020 Achieving Health Equity in Embedded Pragmatic Trials for People Living with Dementia and Their Family Caregivers. Quiñones, Ana R; Mitchell, Susan L; Jackson, Jonathan D; Aranda, María P; Dilworth-Anderson, Peggye; McCarthy, Ellen P; Hinton, Ladson Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
2020 Associations between Vascular Function and Tau PET Are Associated with Global Cognition and Amyloid. Albrecht, Daniel; Isenberg, A Lisette; Stradford, Joy; Monreal, Teresa; Sagare, Abhay; Pachicano, Maricarmen; Sweeney, Melanie; Toga, Arthur; Zlokovic, Berislav; Chui, Helena; Joe, Elizabeth; Schneider, Lon; Conti, Peter; Jann, Kay; Pa, Judy The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience
2020 Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. Livingston, Gill; Huntley, Jonathan; Sommerlad, Andrew; Ames, David; Ballard, Clive; Banerjee, Sube; Brayne, Carol; Burns, Alistair; Cohen-Mansfield, Jiska; Cooper, Claudia; Costafreda, Sergi G; Dias, Amit; Fox, Nick; Gitlin, Laura N; Howard, Robert; Kales, Helen C; Kivimäki, Mika; Larson, Eric B; Ogunniyi, Adesola; Orgeta, Vasiliki; Ritchie, Karen; Rockwood, Kenneth; Sampson, Elizabeth L; Samus, Quincy; Schneider, Lon S; Selbæk, Geir; Teri, Linda; Mukadam, Naaheed Lancet (London, England)
2020 Lower retinal capillary density in minimal cognitive impairment among older Latinx adults. Ashimatey, Bright S; D'Orazio, Lina M; Ma, Samantha J; Jann, Kay; Jiang, Xuejuan; Lu, Hanzhang; Wang, Danny J J; Ringman, John M; Kashani, Amir H Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2020 Associations of Hearing Loss and Menopausal Hormone Therapy With Change in Global Cognition and Incident Cognitive Impairment Among Postmenopausal Women. Armstrong, Nicole M; Espeland, Mark A; Chen, Jiu-Chiuan; Masaki, Kamal; Wactawski-Wende, Jean; Li, Wenjun; Gass, Margery L S; Stefanick, Marcia L; Manson, JoAnn E; Deal, Jennifer A; Rapp, Stephen R; Lin, Frank R; Resnick, Susan M The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
2020 Sex-Related Differences in Brain Volumes and Cerebral Blood Flow Among Overweight and Obese Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: Exploratory Analyses From the Action for Health in Diabetes Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study. Espeland, Mark A; Hayden, Kathleen M; Lockhart, Samuel N; Yassine, Hussein N; Hoscheidt, Siobhan; Yasar, Sevil; Luchsinger, Jose A; Neiberg, Rebecca H; Diaz Brinton, Roberta; Carmichael, Owen The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences