The Modified Mini-Mental State (3MS) Test:
A screening test of cognitive abilities
The Mini Mental Status Exam
(MMSE) is one of the most widely used screening instruments for dementia. The
State (
3MS) test has incorporated:
- four additional items (on long-term memory, abstract thinking, category fluency, delayed recall),
- more uniform administration and
- refined scoring, plus some other minor changes,
in order to sample a broader variety of cognitive functions, cover a wider range of difficulty levels, and enhance the reliability and validity of the test scores.
The 3MS test has a score range of 1–100. It can provide an estimated score of the MMSE, and can also be used to monitor cognitive change over time. By now a large body of literature has shown the usefulness of the 3MS test in both research and clinical studies.
Time for administration and scoring: 8 -15 min
User Friendliness: High
Administered by: Individuals with general background in cognitive testing and specific training with the 3MS Manual
Downloads that will be available after satisfactory completion of the Request Form:
- The 3MS Manual in English.
- The 3MS quizzes, Form A and Form B, on the administering and scoring of the 3MS items, and correct answers to the quizzes.
- Two early articles on the 3MS test. (Additional references are in the Manual.)
3MS Request
Dear Professionals and/or Students,
Please complete this form to receive an email to automatically download the 3MS manual and materials. Thank you also for helping us to know more about who you are and your interest in the 3MS.
When you submit this form by clicking on the "submit" button, we will send you an automatic reply email with the download links.
The 3MS test is for professional use only, not to be made accessible to the general public. If you are a student or are contacting us for a professional, the Request Form should be filled out by the professional supervisor and sent using his or her email address.
Please do not redistribute the downloaded material; instead, have people complete their own request form and we will send the download links directly to them.
Thank you,
Evelyn Teng, Ph.D.
Emeritus Professor
Dept. of Neurology
Keck Medical School of USC
Helena Chui, M.D.
Professor and Chair
Dept. of Neurology
Keck Medical School of USC