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Aging Brain: Vasculature, Ischemia, and Behavior study

The Aging Brain project (2008-2014) assessed evidence for several possible pathways whereby vascular risk factors (VRF) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) might adversely impact brain structure and function. Over a 5 year period, 303 volunteers were recruited and followed prospectively. Participants were selected to represent 1) a spectrum of vascular risk, ranging from low to high and 2) a spectrum of cognitive impairment, ranging from no to mild cognitive impairment. Neuropsychological testing was performed every year, and MRI scans were done every 2 years.
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Estudio de la enfermaded de Alzheimer en Jalisciences

Leveraging the availability of a large number of Mexican and Mexican-Americans at risk for specific mutations in the PSEN1 and APP genes, this study leverages the HCP approach to comprehensively characterize the anatomical, pathological, physiological, and clinical pre- and symptomatic stages of AD subtypes. – Get Data

Vascular Cohort Study

The purpose of this study is to learn how vascular risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or high blood sugar may also be related to increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. This study will look at biological markers for AD risk found in the blood and cerebral spinal fluid of individuals who have either high or low levels of vascular risk factors. – Get Data

Vascular Contributions to Dementia and Genetic Risk Factors study

The purpose of this study is to learn how changes in the brain’s vascular system may be related to an increased risk for developing AD in individuals who either have or do not have the specific APOE gene or PSEN1 gene mutation. – Get Data

ADRC Organization

Administration Core

Responsible for overall scientific direction and administration of Center.

Clinical Core

Evaluates, enrolls, follows, and refers subjects with AD and other dementia to research projects using NACC UDS protocols.

Data Management and Statistical Core

Oversees the PAC-NACC UDS database, provides study- and core-specific databases (e.g., REDCap), and curates our large imaging data sets as a local and national resource.

Neuropathology Core

Provides neuropathological diagnoses, distributes tissues, defines genotypes relevant to AD, VD, and other dementias.

Outreach, Recruitment and Education (ORE) Core

Works closely with the Clinical Core for subject recruitment and retention, with an emphasis on ethnic participants, especially Latino.

Biomarker Core

Uses state of the art methods to determine vascular, BBB, and NVU cell-and system-specific biomarkers in biofluids (CSF, plasma) and standard AD biomarkers (e.g., Aβ, tau, pTau)

Imaging Core

Facilitates use of state-of-the-art functional and structural neuroimaging by ADRC investigators and other investigators pursuing related brain imaging projects at USC and neighboring Institutes.

Research Education Component

Focuses on training/mentoring of scientists from underrepresented groups.

ADRC Projects