Participants & Families

Our ADRC has a wide variety of opportunities for volunteers to participate in research studies. Our studies are aimed at discovering ways to understand, prevent, and treat Alzheimer disease, related conditions such as vascular brain injury, and other memory problems. We seek diverse volunteers who may or may not have memory problems on an ongoing basis to help us as research participants.

See our studies on the home page, email us at or call at (323) 442-7600.

5K Training

USC Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) Exercise Program for 5K

Recent News

Our 5K Training Team is resuming our practice in Pasadena. Click here to read more...

For fun:
Link to Sister Madonna's video:

5K Training Team Resumes

Thursday September 29

Rose Bowl Lot K at 11 am

Be ready for
NPF's MovingDay, October 15
Link to our video

USC Department of Neurology
with Team Parkinson, the National Parkinson Foundation,
and California Triathlon

The USC ADRC has a Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) exercise program, training for a 5K at the Rose Bowl. This is a year round program with a break mid-summer. It is a free program. For more information and to register, please call: Sarah Ingersoll at 626-796-4745 or email