Donations to the Center can be made online with a credit card.
Donations can be made by writing a check or writing down your credit card information and mailing it to us. You can print this form, fill it in, and include it in the envelope with your donation.
To set up a memorial fund, a specific fundraising event or an online memorial donation “button” simply contact our Center by phone or email and we will help you organize it in a way that works for you. We can provide you with brochures about our Center and donation instructions and mailing materials. After each event, all the donors will be sent thank you notes for their donations. In addition, the organizing family will be sent a thank you note and a list of all the donors who sent contributions.
Gina Weitzel
Sr. Associate Vice President for Health Sciences Advancement
Keck Medicine of USC
University of Southern California
1150 South Olive Street, 25th Floor Los Angeles, CA 90015
Office: (323) 442-1596
Cell: (213) 713-1251