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Current Research Studies and Clinical Trials

The Healthier Vessels Healthier Brain (HVHB) study

Healthier Vessels, Healthier Brain Study is working to better understand how blood sugar levels and the body’s ability to absorb and use glucose and/or insulin affects capillaries, brain cells, and memory function. People over 60 years of age who have pre-diabetics, diabetics, high blood pressure and/or high cholesterol may be eligible to participate. Please call Lina D’Orazio, Ph.D. (323) 442-7680 or Maria Hernandez (323) 442-6845 for more information.

Clinical trials for dementia and Alzheimer disease are research studies that involve volunteer patients. These clinical trials and research projects represent a crucial step in advancing care and developing potentially memory and life-saving drugs and treatments.

We invite you to participate whether or not you have concerns about your memory. Interested individuals should be residents of the greater Los Angeles area and one of the following: – Adults 55 years of age or older who may or may not be experiencing memory difficulties – Individuals of any age with progressive memory loss due to Alzheimer’s disease, or other forms of dementia.

Brain Research Study (BRS) –The Gift of Knowledge

It has been said that a definitive diagnosis of Alzheimer disease cannot be made until autopsy. This is still true, even though powerful MRI, PET, and CSF markers have greatly improved our ability to make a clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer disease and related disorders. Brain donation can be a priceless gift of knowledge to one’s family and to advances in medical science. The USC ADRC Brain Research Study supports these diagnostic and research studies for participants who have been evaluated and followed over time.